The “AvePark Access Road” project is being developed in the district of Braga, municipality of Guimarães, and it covers the parish of Ponte and the parish unions of Prazins (Santo Tirso) and Corvite and Prazins (Santa Eufémia) and Barco. From an accessibility point of view, this project is a fundamental component of the road network and represents an improvement in the access, safety, and traffic conditions on the route between the main road network in Guimarães and the Guimarães Science and Technology Park – AvePark.
BoG is the company responsible for developing the project framework in the socio-economic and geographical context of the region where it is located, as well as for characterising the present situation of the region in terms of human health. Development of the water resources component includes an analysis using the Driver & Tasker model (1990) adapted for use in Portugal (LNEC, 2004) to determine the impacts resulting from the increased concentration of road pollutants, both at the main points of discharge foreseen in the project and in the waterways that receive them.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
December 2021 – June 2021
Trifólio – Estudos e Projetos Ambientais e Paisagísticos, Lda.