BoG is currently involved in the development of the water-energy-food nexus study in Guinea-Bissau that will assess the interrelationships between these resources and influences resulting from global factors such as climate change. The study also seeks to identify possible synergies and associated benefits and serves to detect and minimise detrimental trade-offs between the various sectors. The main objective of this project is to provide evidence to support a more sustainable development policy and to recommend measures that, in the context of Guinea-Bissau, may contribute to the establishment of a green economy and a speedier recovery from the effects of the pandemic
This project is funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as part of the “Blue Economy as a Catalyst for Green Recovery” programme, which will run until April 2022 and is being developed by a consortium led by CESO CI and Expertise SARL.
BoG is responsible for delivering the project for the water sector. This process includes conducting field missions, consulting with key stakeholders, and developing a report that provides a profiling of the sector, its interrelationships with energy and food, and proposed recommendations.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
November 2021 – October 2022
CESO CI e Expertise SARL