Consulting at a water quality and food safety control laboratory
Final external evaluation of the project “Etiikapun n’Há – Urok, Bijagó cultural resilience laboratory”
Environmental impact assessment of the project for the southern expansion of the Industrial Park in Oliveira do Hospital
Policy orientation for a post-covid strategic approach to Coastal and Marine conservation in West Africa
Modelling water resources according to the Driver & Tasker model (1990) adapted for use in Portugal (LNEC, 2004)
Education and awareness campaign for the recycling of biowaste – Home and community composting
H2O Expedition – Discovering the Value of Water
Environmental Impact Assessment of the project for the expansion of the industrial park in Amoreira da Gândara
Development of human health descriptors in the context of the environmental impact assessment of the Montechoro I and II Photovoltaic power station projects
Environmental Study of the Project for the Improvement of the EN118 – Samora Correia to Salvaterra de Magos
The supply of laboratory equipment to secondary schools, including installation and user training
Nature tourism programme: marking of the footpath network on the Island of Santiago, Cape Verde
Project for the “Study of the relationship between dimensions of the water-energy-food nexus in Guinea-Bissau to identify investment needs and opportunities in the context of the green economy and Post-Covid Recovery”
Development of the “Ecology” descriptor in the context of the environmental impact assessment of Seven Quarries
Environmental Studies of the Avepark Access Road Project
Preparation of a study of major environmental constraints for the future installation of a Photovoltaic Power Station in the district of Santarém
Project “Establishment of an Environmental Interpretive Centre of the Monte Gordo Natural Park” on the Island of São Nicolau, Cape Verde
Environmental impact assessment of the Santa Marta Photovoltaic Power Station
Nature tourism programme: marking of the footpath network on the Island of Fogo, Cape Verde
Final External Evaluation of the Project “Solidarity and Community Tourism on the Island of Maio”
Awereness campaigns at schools from the municipality of Vila Real using the H2O Expedition kit
Improvement of Suldouro Blue Line – Contribution of Environmental Engineering and Elaboration of the Plan for the Prevention and Management of Construction and Demolition Waste
Monitoring Service of Safety and Health in Work
Consulting for the identification of management digital technologies useb by Geographic Indication
Contribution for the Environmental Impact Study of the Quinta de São Silvestre Touristic Project
Technical consulting in the development of the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Aldeamento Turístico da Quinta do Solar da Rede
Environmental Studies of the Project “Loteamento da Lavandeira – Lote 5”
Characterization of Vegetation – Licencing Process of Minho Bridge, Santa Clara
Environmental Impact Study of the Project “Ligações Transfronteiriças – Ponte Internacional sobre o Rio Sever”
Environmental Study of the Project for the Improvement of the EN118 – Salvaterra de Magos to Almeirim
Environmental Imapct Study of the Project “Melhoria das Condições de Segurança no Distrito do Porto”
Environmental Impact Study of the enlargement of the Sacramento quarry n. º3 in Oliveira de Azeméis
Environmental Impact Study of a quarry in Penafiel – Gomarães
Environmental Impact Study of four quarry projects in Rosém